Small Proteins, Big Benefit
Biochemist Nils Wiedemann receives two million euros in funding from European Research Council
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Press Releases 2015
Sugar for synthetic cells
Biologists from University of Freiburg involved in collaborative project SynGlycTis which receives 1.9 million euros in funding
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Press Releases 2015
European Campus Receives Prix Bartholdi
Minister of Science Theresia Bauer presents the award to the university alliance
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Press Releases 2016
In Search of Ultraphosphates in Living Organisms
Volkswagen Foundation grants researchers at the Universities of Freiburg and Lausanne a total of 100,000 euros in funding
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Press Releases 2016
Biologists Discover Origin of Stomata
Similar genetic mechanism between flowering plants and mosses is a result of evolutionary conservation
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Press Releases 2016
Success for Two Collaborative Research Centers
University of Freiburg will receive eleven million euros from the German Research Foundation for the approved projects
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Press Releases 2016
How Plants Measure Temperature
Research team shows how plants use a light receptor as a thermosensor
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Press Releases 2016
Personalized antibiotic treatment
Researchers from Freiburg have developed a sensor platform that quantifies antibiotics in human blood within minutes
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Press Releases 2016
The Dragon Tree as Model
Freiburg researchers receive Materialica Gold Award 2016 for three-legged fiber-reinforced ramifications
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Press Releases 2016
When fat cells change their colour
The epigenetic enzyme Lsd1 plays an important role in maintaining brown fat tissue
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Press Releases 2016