Flyers & Brochures

Nobel Laureates brochure
The University of Freiburg is proud to be associated with 23 academics who have each received the highest distinction possible for men and women in research: the Nobel prize. The ten Nobel laureates who are introduced in detail in this brochure taught and researched in medicine and physiology, chemistry and economics, and as professors were closely associated with Freiburg University. In addition there are brief portraits of thirteen more Nobel laureates who studied or started their academic careers at the University of Freiburg.
The brochure is available in German and in English versions.
Office of Public Relations
Nobel Laureates

Map of the university
TThe map of the university gives an overview of the location of university facilities in Freiburg. Detailed plans with realistic 3D-views of buildings help with orientation and enable students and guests to find their way easily around lecture rooms, institutions and facilities.
The map is available in German.
Office of Public Relations
Map University of Freiburg

Mitgezählt – the annual review
The annual review “Mitgezählt” presents information about the University of Freiburg in compact diagrams and figures. Besides details about the growth of student numbers, readers can find information about the numbers of graduates and staff, as well as about levels of income and expenditure at the university.
The brochure is available in German.
Office of Public Relations
Annual Report

Freiburg University Calendar
At a glance: the University Calendar appears each semester and contains all dates of importance to students and staff. Dates are all set out clearly, from semester dates and lecture periods to university course dates and the re-registration deadline.
The calendar is available in German.
Office of Public Relations
(Winter Semester 2018/2019- Summer Semester 2019)

"America comes from Freiburg" brochure
The brochure describes how the continent of America gained its name from a Freiburger. Cartographer Martin Waldseemüller was the first to show the newly-discovered region as a continent – yet he was under a fatal misapprehension.
The brochure is available in a dual German/English version.
Office of Public Relations
"America comes from Freiburg"

Selected International Programs brochure
The Selected International Programs brochure highlights the University of Freiburg’s teaching and learning from an international perspective. It gives a summary of the Bachelor, Master and PhD programs and graduate schools of the University of Freiburg that are especially suited to international students. It also contains information about the Summer Schools and special language course programs, as well as about living in Freiburg.
The brochure is available in English.
International Office - Luitgard Scheidler
Selected International Programs