How Plants Measure Temperature
Research team shows how plants use a light receptor as a thermosensor
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Press Releases 2016
How to get rid of proteins
Scientists discover substrates for targeted protein degradation
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Press Releases 2016
How Toxins Activate Cellular Guides
A diarrhoea pathogen modifies the surface of intestinal cells, enabling bacteria to colonize it more easily
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Press Releases 2016
Identifying Brain Regions Automatically
Biologists develop a new method for analyzing brain images and demonstrate it with a study on fruit flies
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Press Releases 2016
In Enemy Garb
Biologists expand on more than 150 years of textbook wisdom with a new explanation for wasp mimicry
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Press Releases 2017
In Search of Ultraphosphates in Living Organisms
Volkswagen Foundation grants researchers at the Universities of Freiburg and Lausanne a total of 100,000 euros in funding
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Press Releases 2016
Less sulfite in wine
Researchers from the University of Freiburg clarify structure and function of new enzyme that reduces sulfite even faster
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Press Releases 2015
Lipids Support Protein Machinery
University of Freiburg researchers discover that integration of molecular barrels into the membrane depends on its composition
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Press Releases 2015
Major Award for an Immunologist from the University of Freiburg
Michael Reth has been awarded a 2.24 million Euro Advanced Grant from the European Research Council
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Press Releases 2012
Mitochondria Separate Their Waste
Freiburg researcher shows that cellular power plants collect and break down damaged molecules
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Press Releases 2013