Green light for trinational NeuroCampus
Freiburg, Dec 22, 2015
The Bernstein Center Freiburg is the main partner of NeuroCampus in Freiburg. Credit: Bernstein Center Freiburg
Crossing boundaries – that is a central goal of NeuroCampus. The trinational project wants to bring together the expertise of a large number of leading neuroscientific research institutions and companies in the Upper Rhine region. Its aim is to install an integrative education and research program, combining disciplines that participate in the investigation of structure and functioning of the brain. The project originated from the Neurex society, founded in 2001 in Alsace, with the goal to establish a cross-border network of neuroscientific centers of excellence in the Upper Rhine region. With a duration of three years, NeuroCampus will start in 2015. The project is financed with three million Euros by the participating institutions and the European Union in the context of the INTERREG-V EU-program.
A total of 16 institutions have agreed to contribute to the NeuroCampus project, including the Universities of Freiburg, Strasbourg and Basel. The project will be coordinated by Neurex in Strasbourg. Its main partner in Freiburg will be the Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF). “With support from public partners we managed over the past years to establish the Upper Rhine region as a neuroscientific location of international esteem”, says professor Ad Aertsen from the BCF. “This is something the individual cities could not have accomplished on their own.”
NeuroCampus makes neuroscientific research and education accessible to junior and senior level researchers as well as clinicians in neuroscientific disciplines and healthcare professionals in basic and advanced training. One of the primary goals of the NeuroCampus is to install an educational platform and database by the year 2018, which will provide students and researchers with access to seminars and lectures at the participating institutions, including the option of interactive participation. Another project of NeuroCampus is the organization of events and training programs for schools and the general public.
The funding of the NeuroCampus project at the Bernstein Center Freiburg amounts to about half a million Euro. Amongst other things, the BCF will implement the public outreach component of the project. The BCF will undertake a variety of measures to educate and sensitize the general public in neuroscientific matters – also to lessen the social exclusion experienced by patients with neurological or psychiatric disorders. A further point concerns developing attractive communication schemes with younger audiences.
“With NeuroCampus we will profit from the synergies in the trinational network for developing new approaches for excellent teaching and training in the neurosciences and for designing new formats in outreach activities”, says Aertsen. „This is fostered by the high density of internationally renowned neuroscientific research centers in the region.“
Michael Veit
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-9322
Printable version (pdf) of the press release.