University newspaper uni'leben
The university newspaper uni’leben provides stories, reports, and interviews on topics of interest at the University of Freiburg five times a year: from developments in higher education policy to the latest research findings, services, inspiring personalities, and entertaining perspectives on life at the university.

Issue 02/2020

Issue 01/2020

Issue 04/2019

Issue 03/2019

Issue 02/2019

Issue 01/2019

Issue 04/2018

Issue 03/2018

Issue 02/2018

Issue 05/2017

Issue 04/2017

Issue 03/2017

Issue 02/2017

Issue 01/2017

Issue 05/2016

Issue 04/2016

Issue 03/2016

Issue 02/2016

Issue 01/2016

Issue 05/2015

Issue 04/2015

Issue 03/2015

Issue 02/2015

Issue 01/2015
uni'leben Archive
Find the Archive of uni'leben here (in German). You are leaving the English website and returning to the German website.